Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Important Classroom Information

Welcome to Mr. Allen’s Science class! I’m excited to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a fulfilling and productive school year. If you are a new part of our school family this year, you will soon find out that Santa Rosa Academy is a great—and special—school. If you were a part of our school family last year, then you already know this!

As in every classroom at Santa Rosa Academy, my students will be held to high standards for their behavior and their academics. I believe every student can develop a “habit of mind for success” and though the definition of success can vary with each student, I do expect effort and progress from every student. All the teachers and support staff here (including myself) will do what we can to help students succeed.

Santa Rosa Mission Statement

In my classroom, we learn about science and the scientific method (in accordance with California state and national standards) with a focus on respect, knowledge, and understanding. When disagreement comes in my classroom, I expect it to be reasonable and respectful. If concerns ever arise, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Students can expect me to listen to and address their concerns appropriately.

Please read the Student Handbook for information about discipline policies, dress code, etc. Those policies will be enforced in my classroom. I may institute additional policies for my classroom, if they are needed. These are in place because we think that following them will improve students’ opportunities for success here and elsewhere.

Tutoring is mandatory for students who fall below a C (70%) in any class.  This gives students the opportunity to get the assistance they need until their grade improves.
Tutoring will be held in my classroom on THURSDAY'S from 2:30 to 3:30.

Plans for Assessing, Evaluating, and Recording Students' Progress and Achievements:
Grading Scale

69% and below please see teacher for academic recovery plan

Tests/Quizzes 40%
Presentations/Projects 20%
Homework/Classwork 25%
Notebook Portfolio 15%

Late Work and No Name Policy
If a student does not have their homework the day it’s due, it’s late. All late work in my class is automatically marked down to half credit. Any paper that is turned in without a name will be placed on the white board in the front of the room so it can be identified. Once an assignment is claimed, it will be treated like late work and receive half credit.

Make-up and Absence Policy
All assignments are due at the beginning of the period on the assigned date. If a student is absent from class, they are responsible for all that was covered in class and what was assigned for homework. Homework assignments can be found on my webpage (under homework). I would also recommend having a friend to call if absent to get the missed information. Any assignment that was due on the date of an assignment will be due the day the student returns. If a student misses a test or quiz due to an absence it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with me within ONE WEEK or it will become a zero in the grade book.

Cheating, Plagiarism, and Academic Dishonesty Policy
If a student is caught cheating on an assignment, any assignment, they will receive a zero (an F) for that assignment. Cheating in any form is unacceptable and parents will be informed.

About Mr. Allen

     Hello and welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!  My name is Mr. Allen and I have been living in Menifee for ten years!  I was very excited when the opportunity to teach at Santa Rosa Academy was presented to me and I am very excited to be your 8th grade physical science teacher!
     I graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 1996 with my Bachelor of Arts degree and I am just completing my Masters degree in Educational Technology this September!  
Allen Family - 2012
      I haven't always been a teacher;  I was a store manager for big retail companies like Toys R' Us and Target before I became a teacher.  I became a teacher because I truly enjoy working with young people and seeing them development in to high performing individuals!
     I have been married for 16 years to my wonderful wife and we have three beautiful girls, aged 14, 12, and 10!  We enjoy going on family trips together and recently went to Walt Disney World in Florida!  To the left is a photo of my wonderful family!
  I truly look forward to getting to know each and every one of you this year!  We are going to learn a lot and take part in a lot of exciting and interesting activities.  I welcome any questions you or your parents may have and can be reached at jallen@sra.mn