Tuesday, July 16, 2013

About Mr. Allen

     Hello and welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!  My name is Mr. Allen and I have been living in Menifee for ten years!  I was very excited when the opportunity to teach at Santa Rosa Academy was presented to me and I am very excited to be your 8th grade physical science teacher!
     I graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 1996 with my Bachelor of Arts degree and I am just completing my Masters degree in Educational Technology this September!  
Allen Family - 2012
      I haven't always been a teacher;  I was a store manager for big retail companies like Toys R' Us and Target before I became a teacher.  I became a teacher because I truly enjoy working with young people and seeing them development in to high performing individuals!
     I have been married for 16 years to my wonderful wife and we have three beautiful girls, aged 14, 12, and 10!  We enjoy going on family trips together and recently went to Walt Disney World in Florida!  To the left is a photo of my wonderful family!
  I truly look forward to getting to know each and every one of you this year!  We are going to learn a lot and take part in a lot of exciting and interesting activities.  I welcome any questions you or your parents may have and can be reached at jallen@sra.mn

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